Saturday 4 August 2012

Places//Getting around Europe

In a few days time I am going to embark on a months travel inter-ailing around Europe, beginning in France, ending in Croatia and anything I can fit in between. I want to to use this journey and the experiences I draw from it to produce a full body of research and a final graphic outcome. The places, events and people that I will come across on the way are things that will be life-changing. This project is a perfect opportunity to capture these moments, educate myself and apply them to something useful. It would be a shame if I decided to base my project around something that is in my comfort zone and a topic area that other people all ready know a bit about. Doing my project this way means that it will be created more around a personal journal and be influenced by unpredictability, which I think is much more interesting and will hopefully communicate more ambiguous findings.

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