Thursday 2 August 2012

A Brief History

Marmite is made from yeast extract and is a beer brewing product. Originally produced in Britain, it is now also manufactured in New Zealand and South Africa. Since the 1920's the paste has been sold in a glass jar as shown in the picture above. Before this change, the product was stored in earthenware pots. Marmite is a actually a French term for a large metal cooking pot. 

The image of the man above is German scientist Justus von Lieberg, inventor of Marmite. He discovered that concentrated brewers yeast could be in fact eaten. In 1902, the first Marmite factory was made in Staffordshire known as the 'Marmite food extract company'. It was created and ran by the Gilmour family. In 1907, the success of the product caused a second factory to open in Camberwell, London.

In World War I British troops were given Marmite as part of their rations.

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